By ordinance the City of Spokane created the Neighborhood Council program to improve communication and provide an opportunity for citizens to participate in the civic process

Neighbors working together  bought recognition from the City Council that our neighborhood council  met the goals for becoming a Neighborhood Council.The Peaceful Valley Neighborhood council  is one of the oldest Neighborhood Councils on  the list of official Councils. The Peaceful Valley neighborhood  benefited because  your neighbors showed that they cared.

Residents,(including renters) over the age of sixteen, business or property owners in the Peaceful Valley neighborhood,are encouraged to become an active participant in your neighborhood council (NC).Attendance at three out of four consecutive neighborhood council meetings qualifies you to vote on recommendations.

Every Neighborhood Council corresponds to a City Council District. Peaceful Valley is in District #2, and is represented by Councilman Jon Snyder and Councilman Michael Allen.

The Peaceful Valley Neighborhood Council is chaired by Bill Forman and meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Meetings are held at the Peaceful Valley Community Center at 214 N. Cedar.

For more information about your neighborhood council meetings please call 747-6357.

Next NC Wed Feb 11

Ilicit sewage discharge number:625-7999 if you notice any problems at 1900 w clarke